Overall Rating |      5.0/5.0
Communication | |
Matching System | |
Mobile Usability | |
Registration | |
Support | |
Terms And Conditions | |

RSVP is Australia’s number one dating service with some pretty amazing statistics. Nearly one out of every three people who use RSVP have found a long-term relationship, and another one out of five actually married the partner they found through the site. The basic account is free, which is great for if you want to give the site a try without committing just yet. The dating site has thousands of users, so it increases your chances of hitting it off with someone.
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RSVP Communication
RSVP Matching System
RSVP Search Features
RSVP Mobile Use
Overall Rating |
Mobile Usability |
App Usability |
Android App |
iPhone App |
A lot of sites lack a comprehensive and usable mobile site, but RSVP is not one of them. The mobile version and app are both fantastic, with an option for Android and for iOS.
RSVP Usability
Overall Rating |
Login with Facebook |
Ease Of Registration |
Ease Of Use |
Registering for dating services can sometimes be a hassle, due to all the information you need to input, but overall RSVP makes this process as simple as possible. It’s easy enough to register, it’s not very time consuming and it’s super easy to get yourself started. The only downside is that there isn’t a Facebook signup available, which would have prefilled all your details, but overall the process is straightforward.
RSVP Popularity
Overall Rating |
Facebook |
Male/Female Ratio | 50/50
Main Age Range | 36-55
Although RSVP has a good number of users, they’re aren’t the best in terms of direct numbers, however, what they miss in numbers they make up for in quality. The profiles are usually pretty comprehensive, and there’s an evenly split ratio between men and women, with the average age between the ages of 36 and 55.
RSVP Support
RSVP Terms And Conditions
Overall Rating |
Free Offer |
Highest Price | 30.00 USD
Lowest Price | 14.00 USD
Free Trial Period | 0
Monthly Plan |
RSVP also doesn’t try to trick you into costly subscriptions that you can’t get out of. There’s a basic free plan available, which is great for when you just want to check it out, but this does mean there is no trial period. The price level of the regular subscription is pretty average. They are upfront about any cancellation terms and you do have the option to cancel on a monthly basis.
RSVP Summary
Overall, RSVP is a great site for meeting people because of the vast options you have for communication and for searching. We love that they have a free option available for those who might want to give online dating a try, but don’t want to pay for it just yet. They’re ahead of the game in terms of app and mobile usage and make up for what they lack in numbers in quality and assistance.